miércoles, 22 de junio de 2016



Hello everybody again!! here i am making a new post. Today, some amazing food that i make and i could not wait for sharing guys!
Today dish, it is completely vegan flavored with wild herbs, a mixture of flavors that will leave you speech less, protagonist taking of chickpeas and sweet potatoes.

                                                                    Served with coriander flat bread

Then, here we go!!


- 1 tsp olive oil
- 1/2 tsp cumin seeds
- 1/2 chopped red onion
- 3 cloves chopped garlic
- 1/2 inch chopped ginger
- 1 tsp coriander powder
- 1/2 tsp curry powder
- 1/2 tsp turmeric
- 1/4 tsp cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp black pepper
- 1/2 tsp harissa or red chilli powder
- 2 tomatoes chopped
- 1 cup cooked chickpeas
- 1 cup chopped sweet potatoe
- 2 cups water
- sal ( optional)
- 1.5 cup spinach
- 1 tsp lemon juice


1. Heat the oil in medium heat, add cumin seed and cook until they get fragrant.
2. Add onion, garlic and ginger and cook until translucent.
3. Add the spices mix and cook for 30 seconds.
4. Add chickpeas, sweet potatoe, water and if you like salt. Mix, cover and cook for 15 minutes.
5. Add spinach, lemon juice, mix in, reduce het heat to low-medium and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes . 6. Taste and adjust of spices or salt.
7. Garnish with paprika and cilantro.
 And ready! you can serve it, with flat coriander or garlic bread, quinoa, cous-cous, rice... os like a like soup, Arab style.

                                   Soup style

Chickpea is the legume family and is noted for its benefits and properties, being one of the most energy pulses.
Its benefits generated mainly from carbohydrates (starches).
They contain protein, fiber, calcium, iron and phosphorus.

The sweet potatoe, it´s a vegetable rich in antioxidants, perfect for healing after injuries. Folic acid ideal for pregnancy. Also for the eye and cardiovascular health.

Enjoy your meal!!!!


domingo, 19 de junio de 2016



Hola a todos! hoy he decidido hacer el artículo en español.
Suelo adaptar las recetas a mis intereses e intereses de gente que tiene algunas intolerancias o simplemente desea comer de manera saludable. Me han pedido algunas expertas en Thermomix como mi amiga Paola Macho, (española, madrileña, dedicada al mundo de la cocina en profundidad, con una labor espectacular, inspiradora y exitosa), que le pasara algunas de mis recetas y hoy le dedicaré mi artículo.

Me he levantado con ganas de hacer algo distinto, como casi cada día, y he cocinado un plato muy típico en muchas culturas, como son las albóndigas, sustituyendo los clásicos aliños por verduras, frutos secos y hiervas ecológicas, adaptado a una cocina muy nutritiva, suave y digestiva.
Como sabéis no como carne de una manera habitual ( una vez en semana y ocasionalmente ) así que ésta será mi dosis semanal. Suelo usar alimentos de cultivo ecológico, si tenéis la oportunidad de adquirirlos, sería lo ideal.

Espero que le saquéis el máximo partido y quedéis genial con vuestras familias y/o comensales.

                                  Albóndigas jardineras

Ingredientes albóndigas:

- 200 gr. de zanahoria troceada.
- 2 dientes de ajo
- 2 ramitas de perejil 
- 30 gr. harina de almendras
- 50 gr. leche vegetal ( al gusto, preferiblemente orgánica sin azúcar añadido)
- 1 pizca de sal (opcional) no soy muy partícipe de la sal
- 1 pellizco de nuez moscada
- 1 pellizco de canela molida
- 1 pizca pimienta recién molida
- 500 gr. carne de pollo o ternera magra
- 50gr. de frutos pipas girasol, pipas calabaza y piñones 
- 10 gr, aceite de oliva ( para engrasar) 

Ingredientes salsa:

- 250 gr. de cebolla cortada en cuartos
- 2 dientes de ajo
- 30 gr. aceite de oliva
- 1 cucharada tomate triturado bio
- 300 gr. agua
- 1 pizca sal
- 1 pellizco nuez moscada
- 1 pizca pimienta
- 1 pastilla caldo vegetal ecológico
- perejil picado 



1. Precaliente el horno a 180º C. 
2. Ponga en el vaso la zanahoria, los dientes de ajo, el perejil, la harina de almendra, y triture 10 seg/ vel 7.
3. Añada la leche vegetal, sal al gusto, nuez moscada, la canela y la pimienta. Mezcle 20 seg/ vel 3.
4. Baje los ingredientes con la espátula. Y pase la masa resultante a un bol.

                                                                                      Masa resultante

5. Engrase la bandeja del horno y forme albóndigas con las manos. Colóquelas en la bandeja de horno. 
6. Hornee a 180º C. 10 min por un lado y 5 min por el otro lado. Retire del horno y póngalas en una fuente refractaria.



7. Ponga la cebolla, los dientes de ajo y el aceite en el vaso de thermomix. Trocee 3 seg/ vel 5. Sofría 7 min / 120º C. vel 1.
8. Añada el tomate triturado, y rehogue 2 min / 120 º C. / vel 2.
9. Agregue el agua, la sal, la nuez moscada, la pimienta y la pastilla de caldo vegetal. Programe 10 min / varoma / vel 1 y coloque el cestillo sobre la tapa para evitar salpicaduras y favorecer la evaporación. 
10. Vierta en la fuente junto a las albóndigas y hornee 10 min ( 180º C ). 
11. Sirva inmediatamente con unas ramitas de perejil. 

La carne como muchos sabéis aporta proteína, hierros, aminoácidos y ayudan crecimiento, a la defensa y regeneración de los tejidos del cuerpo. 
Si en este caso es blanca, la de pollo es mas digestiva. 
Con respecto a una dieta rica en frutos secos como almendras, beneficia a la salud cardiovascular, reduciendo así el riesgo de ataques al corazón y reduce los niveles de colesterol. 
Esta grasa no saturada no solo afecta positivamente a la salud cardiovascular sino que proporciona energía para alimentar al metabolismo celular. 

Bueno, pues ya está lista la receta para disfrutar!! saludos y hasta el próximo artículo.

miércoles, 15 de junio de 2016



HI!!! are you crazy because you cannot eat cake? are you tired that the people think you are on diet because you are lactose intolerant or vegan? it´s over!!!
I want to make a christmas, birthday or just eat a piece of cake when i like!! i want to eat healthy and to have my cocoa dose!! here it is the solution, no more problems!!




- 1 tbsp cocoa powder
- 1 cup rolled oats, gluten free
- 4 tbsp almond milk ( or maple sirup)
- 1 cup almond flour


- 2 cups peanut butter ( organic)
- 3 bananas
- 2 tbsp vanilla extract organic
- 1/4 cup maple sirup
- 1/4 cup coconut oil


- 1/3 cup peanuts
- 1/3 cup  dark cocoa chips
- 2 tbsp coconut oil


Line an inch round cake pan with parchment paper.
Add the base ingredients into a processor and crush into a paste ( 30 sec/ 7 speed ). Add the mixture to the prepared cake pan and press with the spatula until it is flat all sides.

Place the central mass ingredients in the food processor and mix until you obtain an homogenous mixture ( 1 min/ 7 speed, check it, you can live it a bit longer until is ready). Add on the top of the base in the cake pan and freeze the pie until solid for at least 4-6 hours.

When ready to eat sprinkle the peanut of the topping ingredients over the cake. place chocolate chips and coconut oil in a plate a microwave at 30 seconds and move with an spoon until the chocolate is melted. Drizzle the chocolate over the cake. Wait 15 min before to eat for cutting easily.


And it´s ready to eat!! i hope you guys enjoy is really healthy and nutritious.
 Peanut butter is beneficial for controlling blood sugar. It´s a potent anti-aging. It´s a cancer preventive.
 And much much more!!

sábado, 11 de junio de 2016




Today i will make a recipe based in red pepper. It is like a kind of dip, completely healthy, easy and fast. You will feel not heavy in the stomach and full of energy!! it is a typical libenese recipe.


- About 250 gr. of roasted red or yellow peppers

- 25 gr. of fresh crumps ( gluten free optional)

- 2/3 garlic cloves

- 50 gr. walnuts or nuts

- 1 tbsp fresh lemmon juice 

- 1 tsp honey, agave sirup, coconut sugar

- 1 tsp comin powder

- 1 tsp cinnamon powder

- 100 ml. olive oil 

-a handful of fresh parsley 

- sesam seeds ( decoration) 


Put all ingredients except, sesame seeds, nuts and parsley into a processor and blend until smooth. Add the chopped nuts and mix.

Taste and adjust honey, lemon or salt...and add the sesam seeds and parsley for extra nutrients and also for nice decoration. 

You can put together cous-cous (gluten) or if you prefer quinoa ( no gluten). 

From the main ingredients yo can get: 

Red pepper is an excellent source of antioxidant benefits, carotenoids, vitamin C. It has  potential anticancer benefits. 

The nuts are rich in healthy fats such us omega 3, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant. 

                                                                        Muhammara & Hummus tapas

How i told you guys before is easy and if you do a combination in a nice plate like tapas, with hummus, baba ganush  or another vegetal dips your guest would love you!!

Enjoy it!!!



Hi everybody!! after a long time i was starting to miss so much writing in my blog.
 After a time trying to find my own ways, going to the right direction in the healthy life and putting my focus in the side of spiritual, physical and peaceful mind, i have introduced  my life in a cooking way called flexitarian.

The term flexitarian refers to a diet based basically in fruits and vegetables. It´s a plant-based diet with occasional addition fish and meat. Have the flexibility to adapt eating less meat but not cut completely. Also called flexible vegetarian, casual vegetarian or vegivoros ( no rules).

Some people choose, ones in the week ( meat-free Mondays). Or meat eater rare occasions. It is also a good ways for start to change if you are thinking to be 100% vegetarian or vegan.

For to make the concepts clear, i´m going to explain what is the difference between vegetarian and vegan people.

Vegetarian is a person who abstains from meat consumption on a daily basis.
Vegan is a person who abstains from consuming meat and any other animal product such us: eggs, dairy ( cheese, milk).

 The meaning with this concept, is that from now, most of the recipes are designed to be vegan but sometimes i will give you the option to put some fish or meat if you want . I also mean the same thing with cakes, cookies and desserts,  the most of them vegan sweet food.

                                                                               Organic supermarket aisle

You guys will feel that many times i use organic ingredients, free of artificial stuffs, non dairy, sugar or gluten-free, not salt (always optional)... i always advise reading the food labels and you can see if it is some ingredient you cannot intake if you are allergic or intolerant with something.

                                                                                       Spirulina, super food

Also i will try make a full energy diet making combination starchy food, vegetables, fruits, seeds, cereals ( whole grains), beans, with the right nutrients ( proteins, fats, fibre, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, iron...).

All the recipes always combined with a good physical activity for being ready to enjoy your healthy life. Yoga, cardio, meditation or every activity you like.

                                        Aero yoga & meditation

Then i make my second introduction, it is like a little advance of how is going to be the blog from now and i hope that you guys enjoy!!!!