sábado, 11 de junio de 2016



Hi everybody!! after a long time i was starting to miss so much writing in my blog.
 After a time trying to find my own ways, going to the right direction in the healthy life and putting my focus in the side of spiritual, physical and peaceful mind, i have introduced  my life in a cooking way called flexitarian.

The term flexitarian refers to a diet based basically in fruits and vegetables. It´s a plant-based diet with occasional addition fish and meat. Have the flexibility to adapt eating less meat but not cut completely. Also called flexible vegetarian, casual vegetarian or vegivoros ( no rules).

Some people choose, ones in the week ( meat-free Mondays). Or meat eater rare occasions. It is also a good ways for start to change if you are thinking to be 100% vegetarian or vegan.

For to make the concepts clear, i´m going to explain what is the difference between vegetarian and vegan people.

Vegetarian is a person who abstains from meat consumption on a daily basis.
Vegan is a person who abstains from consuming meat and any other animal product such us: eggs, dairy ( cheese, milk).

 The meaning with this concept, is that from now, most of the recipes are designed to be vegan but sometimes i will give you the option to put some fish or meat if you want . I also mean the same thing with cakes, cookies and desserts,  the most of them vegan sweet food.

                                                                               Organic supermarket aisle

You guys will feel that many times i use organic ingredients, free of artificial stuffs, non dairy, sugar or gluten-free, not salt (always optional)... i always advise reading the food labels and you can see if it is some ingredient you cannot intake if you are allergic or intolerant with something.

                                                                                       Spirulina, super food

Also i will try make a full energy diet making combination starchy food, vegetables, fruits, seeds, cereals ( whole grains), beans, with the right nutrients ( proteins, fats, fibre, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, iron...).

All the recipes always combined with a good physical activity for being ready to enjoy your healthy life. Yoga, cardio, meditation or every activity you like.

                                        Aero yoga & meditation

Then i make my second introduction, it is like a little advance of how is going to be the blog from now and i hope that you guys enjoy!!!!

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